Your reward for completing the quest is a Mithril brick. Pull the hook on the door southwest of the Map Stone with Sam to start the quest for the Stop Wand.

12.Slightly southeast of the Map Stone, shoot the target above the house to open the quest for the House Key.

Your reward after bringing the rope back is the Red brick for Poo Studs. On the north end of Hobbiton, use a character that can destroy a Morgul object to open the quest for the Mithril Rope. The Red brick for Poo Studs - a brick that allows any animal you're riding to literally excrete studs - can be had by bringing the Mithril Rope to the character on the north end of Hobbiton. Behind the houses south of the river in Hobbiton, use Legolas to ascend the wooden towers and tightropes to reach the Mithril brick. South of the long looping path to the west, hop on the pig and race it through the checkpoints within the time limit to secure another Mithril brick. At the end of small path jutting off of the long looping path to the west, destroy the Morgul object on the treasure chest to grab another Mithril brick. At night, burn down some wood on the long looping path to the west to nab a Mithril brick. The Mithril brick will appear near some reveling Hobbits. Travel to the middle of Hobbiton during the night (use the Map Stone to switch times) and use Sam to fire off some fireworks. East of Bag End, around the path where you buy Tom Bombadil, whack 10 moles in 25 seconds to earn a Mithril brick. On the far west end of Hobbiton, use Legolas to shoot the targets that pop up in the field for another Mithril brick. West of Bag End, use Gimli to break the Cracked Lego tile for the Mithril brick.

On top of the hill outside of Bag End, use Sam's spade to dig up the Mithril brick.