Here's everything new in The Sims 4: Growing Together, from treehouses to blowouts. Gone are the days where you have to spend hours cultivating a relationship, now you can just increase or decrease the quality of a relationship by typing in some cheats. Bears Cellar.Elliot remembers writing to Mr. It tells the story of a Canadian man named Elliot, who is investigating a mysterious public access channel called Caledon Local 21. There you have it, The Sims 4 relationship cheats to get you on the right romance track or quickly create an arch nemesis. 1999 is a creepypasta that started as a blog by Camden Lamont which was updated in real-time. modifyrelationship X LTR_Romance_Main - replace X with the value to change the romance level between the two named Sims, for example: 100 increases romance, while -100 decreases it.modifyrelationship X LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main Replace X with the value to change the friendship level between a Sim and a pet.modifyrelationship X LTR_Friendship_Main - replace X with the value to change the friendship level between the two named Sims, for example: 100 increases friendship, while -100 decreases it.relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others - introduces your Sim to all of their neighbors.relationships.create_friends_for_sim - create a new Sim that is already friends with you.Just a few photos together, and you'll have yourself a new friend. You can also take a selfie with a Sim to markedly increase your friendship level. No one wants to lose a long running game to a weird glitch. As with all cheats, you might want to make a new save just in case there are any unpredictable effects. This expansion pack offers a quality-of-life change. In most cases you can also deactivate the Sims 4 relationship cheats by reentering them. The Sims 4: Seasons truly adds a whole new layer that will affect your gameplay all year round. Once cheats are enabled, enter any of the following phrases in the box that appears to activate its associated effect.